Shareholding, Governance and Corporate Structure

Ownership structure

Eneva has a single class of shares and its share capital is made up of 1,932,591,767 common shares, traded at B3 - Brasil, Bolsa Balcão under ticker ENEV3.
The Company is a Corporation ,which means, it has dispersed capital.

BTG Pactual 489,057,120 25.31%
Partners Alpha 437,492,863 22.64%
Eneva FIA 312,640,404 16.18%
Dynamo 190,148,492 9.84%
Treasury 1,202,046 0.06%
Others 502,050,842 25.98%
Total 1,932,591,767 100.00%



Eneva’s current governance structure:



Corporate Structure



For more information about the Corporate Structure, access the Company’s Reference Form – item 6